It’d be good have a kōrero Alan about bus stuff… let me know when you have a break in your busy schedule. Ka kite Ross 0275910034

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Alan Doak

There really is something special about the 83 route, at least for me. Perhaps its the promise of a fabulous destination? Or the warm comfort that I'll be home soon? Either way, even if going the wrong way, those two little unassuming digits signify something reassuring.

Unlike this coalition Govt. They can have my middle digit.

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Beautifully said, Shelley!

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Thank you for your lovely words ☺️

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Alan Doak

Kia ora Alan, we are living in the era of the Great Leap Backwards, where Winston Peters dreams of a better yesterday, where David Seymour dreams of the complete marketisation and commodification of everything, and Christopher Luxon dreams of ...mergers and acquisitions. We will witness a massive shift of wealth to the already wealthy, and a stagnation of living standards and incomes for the bottom 50% of NZers, as piles of progressive legislative initiatives go up in smoke (or smokes?). Keep on your journey Alan taking good working people safely from A to B to C and back again. I suspect public transport will definitely be in the back seat the next three years with the Madmen at the wheel.

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Thanks Ross. I can't get enough of the news about our new government, but at the same time, I know it's very bad for my health. We're in this terrible limbo state, or purgatory, waiting to see if we sink or swim. I agree with your comment on public transport. Many (the most vulnerable) won't be able to afford it. And if the public service is diminished, so will the demand for services. It's so obvious to everyone except NatActNZF.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

We said before the election a NAct govt would be disasterous and it's looking that way. At the same time it's imperative we need to look after ourselves ... easy to say when you are not on the breadline or the margins and life is a real struggle. Gr8 to see drivers will be getting the backpay from NZ Bus. It'd be good to have a coffee with you Alan!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Alan Doak

Not every government department is this inflated, lazy beast that they see us as. Some are, yes. But its not the medium to lower levels, its the managerial positions, that's for sure. If they cut jobs I hope they cut them for the highest earners - we don't need five managers when we can have two.

And those people can afford to be without income for longer than our administrators, many of them just slightly above minimum wage. But I don't think that is likely, Luxon always sides with the wealthy.

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Agreed Rebecca. Everything I've heard from CLux about the justification for their policies is "we heard a lot from people over the campaign period". Read: "A few people told us their concerns and we have inflated these, based on hearsay and NOT evidence, and now we're going to do something about it, whether it needs to be done or not. So there!"

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Alan Doak

Brilliant reflection on the mood in our household too, Alan. As a health worker it’s devastating to think of the damage the new policies will bring and my partner in working for the government has a novice, Act minister and so many vacancies that he’s not allowed to fill. Hope the farmers realise this will affect them too

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Alan Doak

Definitely feeling subdued. I can only hope they waste their time chasing down ridiculous ego pieces like making English a national language, and not straight into selling off state assets & (further) privatising the care of humans. We can survive (and reverse) bad policy.

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I fear it's going to be a very stressful summer holiday for a lot of people.

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Thanks Alan. The bus-lens on political affairs. I stayed home because it was Buy Nothing Day.

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Maybe everyone took their cars to pile in their Black Friday purchases...only that the roads were empty too.

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As one of those public service staff I'm very subdued. We have been told we're subject to an 'immediate stop work notice' but no one knows quite what that means, how enforcible it is or when it will actually be issued.

The daft thing is, with the staff gone the govt won't be able to deliver on its changes but in the mean time will loose huge amounts of talent and IP.

Glad I didn't vote for any of these muppets.

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Sad to hear this Matt. I think you'll personally be ok, unless the new government define your role as 'back office'.

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I certainly feel subdued. And as if I need to apologise to my gender non binary gardener, who will no longer officially exist it appears!

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Can't believe what's happening, denying people their chosen identity, and making English an official language FFS

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A great read - made me think and laugh out loud thanks

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Thanks Jennifer. I hope you laughed at the funny bits, and not at the bits near the end 😊

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